Being a photographer, and the kinds that needs to travel a lot, be 'independent' and make your own decisions doesn't seem to go down well with a lot of people - especially if you belong to the female species AND are in your mid twenties.
I've been learning and struggling with that since I first picked up the camera a few years back.
I've learnt how to dodge, dive and escape questions relating to what I do...
hearing the 'how cool!' from the young and the 'oh!' from the neighbourhood aunties is something i've gotten quite used to.
NO YOU WILL NOT GET IT, and no, I do NOT want to explain it to you, and photography is NOT my hobby.
When I travel alone, locals try to figure out who I am - It's like a guessing game. In Hindi, 'Is she Indian?'...'Maybe NRI' (Non resident Indian) right in front of my face, looking for a reaction to see if I understand. Fair enough.
I am very much Indian and proud to be one but the problem is that in India, women do not travel alone. It's almost like an 'un-auspicious' deal, something that is just not done. It questions your Indian-ness and your 'purity' (an indian will know what that means!).
Being questioned, talked about and assessed isn't always a pleasant feeling. I don't have to explain myself - I LOVE what I do.
For me, these things affect me less now then before and all I care about is my work and where I want to go with it (really).
Thanks to those who support what I do and who believe in me - I love you.