Giggly girls talking about boys, the boys who thought showing off their boxers was cool (really? is that still in?), the untucked shirts, and the maroon of the sweaters... the office bhaiyas who were still the same but a little greyed and the teachers who never seemed to have aged. It was almost like I had never left. Just, the kids were different, yes, kids, my 15 year old sister's classmates.
The chairs were the same, if not a bit faded, the steel tea cups reminded me of board exam days, the little corners where we would hide to escape march past or 'bunk' PT often getting caught and having to run ten rounds of the football field as punishment. The kabaddi in the rain, the loud cheers during basketball tournaments, the hand cricket we played on the terrace - getting caught when the ball actually fell on a teachers head. The water fights, the distractions, serenading (umm harassing?) the class teacher with the 'happy birthday' song every day that she walked into class, of crocodile skins and swimming pools, yoga retreats to the beautiful 'art room'.
So many memories and so much warmth, returned today in just a flash... flooding back like it was always a part of me.
And this time from the other end, just like my mom would, 'How did she do in class?' trying hard to hold a straight face. Yep! If looks could have killed, I wouldn't be writing this now. Well thankfully she seems to be making up for me in the studies deparment. Don't read this young one, you definitely need to brush up on your history lessons.
Go study!