Thursday, August 27, 2009

When your wishes come true

Yesterday while I was with the film crew at the Maqbool Sahib mosque a goat was being led into the grounds. The goat was going to be sacrificed because someone's wishes came true and this was their way of thanking allah. The meat was going to be distributed amongst worshippers. 

In between shooting for the film crew and waiting for them to return from a mens only zone I saw people running towards a man with a basket - it was the cut pieces of raw meat being brought out for distribution. People appeared out of no where to claim their share using women and children to gain sympathy votes.


travellingLite said...

great to see you are having a good time living a different life :) keep blogging and checking in. i am living vicariously through you :)

Unknown said...

Love this one! Great to see your blog Mansi!